
Enhanced dict class for string-based key-value pairs.

class confirm.utils.key_value.KeyValueDict(string, kvp_separator=':', entity_separator='\n')

This is a dict class on steroids, as it expands the default dict class by supporting key-value based strings for the initialisation. It will split up the key-value pairs (KVP) by the colon (:) and the entities by the newline character (\n). When the string is initialised, all superfluous spaces will be stripped and all invalid KVPs will stripped.

  • string (str) – The string

  • kvp_separator (str) – The key-value pair separator

  • entity_separator (str) – The entity separator


A single key value pair can be defined like this:

>>> KeyValueDict('spam:eggs')
{'spam': 'eggs'}
>>> KeyValueDict('spam: eggs')
{'spam': 'eggs'}
>>> KeyValueDict('  spam  :  eggs  ')
{'spam': 'eggs'}

You can also use multiple key value pairs:

>>> KeyValueDict('spam:eggs\nfoo:bar')
{'spam': 'eggs', 'foo': 'bar'}
>>> KeyValueDict('spam: eggs\nfoo: bar')
{'spam': 'eggs', 'foo': 'bar'}
>>> KeyValueDict('  spam  :  eggs  \n  foo  :  bar  ')
{'spam': 'eggs', 'foo': 'bar'}

If you want a different key-value pair sepeartor than :, specify the kvp_separator parameter:

>>> KeyValueDict('spam=eggs', kvp_separator='=')
{'spam': 'eggs'}
>>> KeyValueDict('spam= eggs', kvp_separator='=')
{'spam': 'eggs'}
>>> KeyValueDict('  spam  =  eggs  ', kvp_separator='=')
{'spam': 'eggs'}

If you want a different entity sepeartor than \n, specify the entity_separator parameter:

>>> KeyValueDict('spam:eggs,foo:bar', entity_separator=',')
{'spam': 'eggs', 'foo': 'bar'}
>>> KeyValueDict('spam: eggs, foo: bar', entity_separator=',')
{'spam': 'eggs', 'foo': 'bar'}
>>> KeyValueDict('  spam  :  eggs  ,  foo  :  bar'  , entity_separator=',')
{'spam': 'eggs', 'foo': 'bar'}

KeyValueDict instances also support the conversion to an informal string version:

>>> str(KeyValueDict('spam:eggs\nfoo:bar'))
'spam: eggs\nfoo: bar'
>>> str(KeyValueDict('spam: eggs\nfoo: bar'))
'spam: eggs\nfoo: bar'
>>> str(KeyValueDict('  spam  :  eggs  \n  foo  :  bar  '))
'spam: eggs\nfoo: bar'

The dict.get() method still works:

>>> KeyValueDict('spam:eggs').get('spam')
>>> KeyValueDict('spam:eggs').get('foo', None)

Subscript access to the dict also works of course:

>>> KeyValueDict('spam:eggs')['spam']
>>> KeyValueDict('spam:eggs')['foo']
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'foo'

Iteration is like in a normal dict:

>>> for key in KeyValueDict('spam:eggs'):
...     key
>>> for key, value in KeyValueDict('spam:eggs').items():
...     f'Value for {key} is {value}'
'Value for spam is eggs'